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Response to the consultation on a Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland

Summary the Deposit Return Scheme should apply to all drinks, including both ‘on the go’ and more general products, and should apply to all container materials the deposit level should be…

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Divest Fracking – How UK councils are banking on dirty gas.

This report reveals the extent of UK council investments in the fracking industry

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Response to the Scottish Government consultation on creating an Environment Strategy

We answer some specific questions the Scottish Government asks about creating an Environment Strategy for Scotland, but also make these overall points: The discussion paper says that a new Environment…

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Submission to Parliament on the new Climate Change Bill

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s submission to the Scottish Parliament Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform committee on the new Climate Change Bill. Our key points: The Climate Change Bill fails…

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Fiduciary duty briefing from Divest Lothian (August 2018)

A briefing by Divest Lothian in relation to the continued fossil fuel investments of the Lothian Pension Fund.

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Annual Review 2017

Annual review of our campaigning from mid 2017 – mid 2018

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Submission to Scottish Affairs Committee on the Future of the Oil & Gas Industry

Our submission to the Westminster Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry on the Future of the Oil and Gas Industry. Our key points are: the most important challenge for the oil and…

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Paving the Way for a Just Transition

In Autumn 2018 progress is anticipated on three Scottish Government commitments that are critical to driving forward action to deliver a low carbon economy: the Just Transition Commission a Scottish…

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Letter to MPs about Heathrow third runway

Ahead of a crucial Westminster vote on whether to approve the Heathrow third runway we, together with Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, wrote to all Scottish MPs…

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