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Response to Supplementary Minerals Guidance on Fife Council’s Local Development Plan

Our consultation response to the Fife Council Local Development Plan. We describe how there is a growing body of evidence that environmental and health risks associated with onshore unconventional gas extraction, including…

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Submission on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to the European and External Affairs Committee

Evidence submitted in advance of witness session to the Scottish Parliament's European & External Affairs Committee on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).  Uses examples of threats to climate…

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Smith Commission response on further powers for Scotland

FoE Scotland's response to the Smith Commission on further devolution of powers to Scotland.  There are many areas where extra powers would help Scotland deliver environmental commitments more effectively and…

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Unconventional Gas & Fracking Myth Buster

Why shale gas and coalbed methane are not all they’re fracked up to be. Shale gas and coalbed methane (CBM) are not the answer to Scotland’s or the UK’s energy…

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Response to Edinburgh’s 20mph zone consultation

20mph zones create safer, more attractive and more enjoyable streets. They are a straightforward and logical solution for addressing a range of local concerns including the need for safer and…

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Unconventional Gas: unsafe, unnecessary and unwanted

You’ve probably come across fracking in the news and wondered if the reality is as ugly as the word. Maybe you’ve heard about the new natural gas boom and wondered…

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Parliamentary briefing ahead of Courts Reform Bill Stage 3 debate

Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Environmental Law Centre Scotland Parliamentary breifing ahead of the Stage 3 debate in the Courts Reform (Scotland) Bill debate.  While broadly we welcome…

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New Environmental Enforcement Framework Consultation Response

Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Environmental Law Centre Scotland joint response to SEPA and the Scottish Government's consultation on New Enforcement Measures for SEPA and the Relevant Offences…

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Community Energy – Empowering local authorities and their communities to guide local sustainable energy roll-out

Programe details for the workshop held in Edinburgh on 25 September 2014.

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