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FoE Scotland Response to Local Air Quality Management Consultation September 2013

Friends of the Earth Scotland response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Local Air Quality Management.

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Response to consultation on civil appeals from Court of Session

Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Environmental Law Centre Scotland joint response to Scottish Government consultation on the treatment of civil appeals from the Court of Session.

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Response to Scottish Planning Policy and National Planning Framework Consultations

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s responses to Scottish Government consultations on the draft Scottish Planning Policy and the National Planning Framework 3 Main Issues Report. 

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Submission to the DPEA on Dart Energy’s Airth Coalbed Methane Plans

Friends of the Earth’s submission to the Department for Planning and Environmental Appeals regarding Dart Energy’s plans for coalbed methane at Airth, Falkirk. In June Dart appealed on grounds of…

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Policy briefing on Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

An updated policy briefing from Friends of the Earth and the Environmental Law Centre on access to justice in environmental matters, and Scottish compliance with the Aarhus Convention.

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Briefing on Prohibitive Expense in Environmental Cases

An updated briefing from Friends of the Earth and the Environmental Law Centre on why the Scottish costs regime in environmental cases is not compliant with the Aarhus Convention.  

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Response to consultation on Making Justice Work – Courts Reform (Scotland) Bill

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government consultation on the Courts Reform (Scotland) Bill, as part of our Access to Environmental Justice campaign. The Bill is a vehicle to implement…

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Mountaintop Removal in Appalachia, West Virginia: Case Study

Mountaintop Removal causes huge environmental destruction, dramatically alters landscapes and is linked to serious local health impacts. It involves literally blasting the tops off mountains to access thin layers of…

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Policy Briefing on Unconventional Gas and Fracking

An updated policy briefing outlining the key environmental impacts of unconventional gas extraction, how the industry is developing in Scotland and problems with the current regulatory framework, and calling for…

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