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Formal Objection to Hunterston Power Station

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s formal objection to the proposed coal fired power station at Hunterston. Download the report

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Make it Happen: From Oyal Bank of Scotland to Royal Bank of Sustainability

A new Friends of the Earth Scotland report about turning the Royal Bank of Scotland into a Green Investment Bank.  This booklet is based on and provides a summary of…

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Eleven for 11 – an alternative manifesto for the Holyrood elections

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s alternative list of manifesto ‘asks’ for the 2011 elections. Download the briefing

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Briefing on Environmental Justice and the Aarhus Convention

An introductory briefing for parliamentarians and others on Environmental Justice and the Aarhus Convention. This briefing sets out the current problems in Scotland concerning access to justice on environmental matters….

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Response to Scotland’s Low Carbon Economy Consultation

A Friends of the Earth Scotland response to the Scottish Government’s low carbon economy consultation. Download the briefing

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Briefing on annual targets

A Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing detailing what we would like to see come out of the cross party working group looking at the appropriate level of ambition for…

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Briefing for Banking Debate

A briefing for MSPs ahead of the Economy Committee’s debate on the way forward for Scotland’s Banking sector. Download the briefing

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Tar Sands: Fuelling the climate crisis, undermining EU energy security and damaging development objectives

Pressure is on high-level representatives from the EU and Canada to discuss the issue of tar sands and Europe’s aim to limit greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels through its…

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The Story of Carbon Trading

The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at carbon trading, by the people who made The Story of Stuff.

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