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Scottish Government Debate-National Waste Strategy

We are providing this briefing ahead of the Scottish Government’s National Waste Strategy Debate. We welcome the early achievement of the 2010 landfill diversion target. This brief outlines our main…

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Waste amendments to the Scottish Climate Change Bill

This briefing sets out Friends of the Earth Scotland’s views on the waste amendments to be debated at stage 2. Download the briefing. Find out more about our Big Ask…

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SCCS Briefing on Stage 2 amendments, Day 3

This briefing outlines our position on the Scottish Climate Change Bill Stage 2, day 3 amendments. Download the briefing paper. This paper was produced by the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland…

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Scottish Climate Change Bill amendment 255: Energy generating stations efficiency guidance

New or refurbished unabated (or even so-called ‘carbon capture ready’) coal fired power stations are the exemplar of why what matters is the cumulative amount of GHGs emitted. We estimate…

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SCCS Briefing on Stage 2 amendments, Day 2

This briefing paper outlines our position on the amendments for the Scottish Climate Change Bill in Stage 2, day 2. Download the briefing paper. This paper was produced by Stop…

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Briefing note on cumulative budgets

Scottish Climate Change Bill briefing note in support of amendments 109, 118, 120 and on ‘cumulative budgets.’ Download the briefing. Find out more about the Big Ask Scotland campaign. 

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Demand Climate Justice – Many Drops Guide

Friends of the Earth International is planning to flood Copenhagen with our demands for climate justice during the crucial UNFCCC climate conference in December. The high point will be the…

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Scottish Climate Change Bill electricity generation amendment briefing

Briefing on Scottish Climate Change Bill stage 2 amendments 133, 138 and 139 to ensure appropriate reporting and advice on new energy generating plant. Download the briefing. Find out more…

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SCCS Briefing on Stage 2 amendments, Day 1

This briefing sets out Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) views on the marshalled list of amendments. Download the briefing paper. This paper was produced by Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, of…

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