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Submission to Consultation for Aberdeen Airport outline Master Plan Draft

This response is submitted jointly by Friends of the Earth Scotland and TRANSform Scotland, who welcome the opportunity to comment on the consultative draft outline Master Plan. However, we consider…

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Submission to SNP Energy Review

We welcome the opportunity to comment on this review which is timely and offers a distinct Scottish contribution to the current debate on meeting future energy needs, in the context…

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Submission to Scottish Executive Environment Group Consultation on The Environmental Liability Directive

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcome the opportunity to comment on the proposals to transpose the Environmental Liability Directive into Scottish law, and ask that the following points are considered…

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Submission to Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration Bill Proposal

A joint submission from Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Association for the Conservation of Energy expressing support for the proposed bill. Submission to Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration Bill…

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Submission to Consultation for Green Micropower Bill

Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Association for the Conservation of Energy warmly welcome the proposals set out in the Green Micropower Bill consultation document. We believe that in…

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The Power of Scotland: Cutting Carbon with Scotland’s Renewable Energy

The UK and Scottish Governments are committed to significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions across a range of sectors to help stabilise global warming at no more than a 2˚C…

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Parliamentary Briefing on the Air Route Development Fund

The Scottish Executive claims that the air Route Development Fund (RDF), which has subsidised around 35 direct air routes from Scotland since its inception in November 2002, a number of…

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The Power of Scotland: Cutting Carbon with Scotland’s Renewable Energy

Reducing carbon emissions from electricity generation is a key part of the Scottish Executive’s climate change programme, with an ambitious target set for 40% of electricity consumption in Scotland to…

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Parliamentary Briefing on the energy review: priorities for action

Scotland’s energy future is intrinsically linked to the rest of the UK, since energy policy is a reserved matter. However, the Executive has considerable control over renewable energy, energy efficiency…

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