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Good Neighbour Agreements – Demanding environmental justice in your backyard

Everyone has a right to a decent environment. However, the reality in Scotland is that many people have to live with a damaged environment, beside a waste dump, a chemical…

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Heating Our Homes And Not The Sky – The politics of environment and the burden of fuel poverty

Every winter thousands of people die in Scotland because of the weather conditions. A major contributory factor for this is the condition of housing. Energy inefficient houses lead to high…

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Healthy Homes and Energy Efficiency – Supplementary briefing for Health and Community Care Committee on petition PE-123

This submission relates fuel povery to ill health, and identifies its role in social exclusion through health-related causes and the diversion of income away from other basic needs. Healthy Homes…

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Warm Homes and Energy Efficiency – Supplementary briefing for Transport and Environment Committee on petition PE-123

This submission calls for assessment of the domestic sector’s effect on CO2 output and climate change, and for the creation of joined-up policy and government given the impact of fuel…

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Sustainable Development and the Domestic Sector

The UK has legally binding commitments under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce its emissions of a basket of gases, including CO2. To this end the Government has committed itself to…

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