
Campaigners call for Octopus Energy to stop funding polluting incinerator

Local residents and environmental campaigners have criticised Octopus Energy for funding a new incinerator being built in North Ayrshire in Scotland.

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New law must be strengthened to reduce Scotland’s environmental impact

Campaigners say that the new circular economy bill, which has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament today (14 June), could significantly reduce Scotland’s global climate impact by changing the way we use materials, but must be strengthened to do so.  

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Annual Review 2022-2023

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Scotland’s demand for transition materials linked to social and environmental harm

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Unearthing Injustice: A global approach to transition materials

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Scottish Government fails to deliver on key recommendations of incineration review

The failure of the Scottish Government to commit to the main recommendations of its own review is a missed opportunity to phase out existing incinerators and end the harmful practice of burning plastics.

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Circular economy organisers pack

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Plastic bottles

Delay to deposit return a blow to Scotland’s environment

Environmental campaigners are dismayed by the news that Scotland’s deposit return scheme, which was due to launch in August 2023, has been delayed until next year.

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Powderhall waste depot, Edinburgh

Scotland is recycling less and increasing incineration, new stats reveal

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