Climate Emergency road sign outside Holyrood

‘Humilitating’ debate to ditch Scottish climate targets

15 years of insufficient climate action from Scottish Ministers has brought us to this shameful moment.

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Climate campaigners urge Labour Minister to withdraw from fossil fuel event

Campaigners argue his role at the oil conference is incompatible with a commitment to tackle the worsening climate emergency.

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Grangemouth closure reaction: no justice in this decision

The inevitable Grangemouth closure showed both Governments have no credible just transition plans

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‘Late and lightweight’ Green Industrial Strategy panned

Campaigners also concerned at plans to turn the seas of Scotland into Europe’s carbon dumping ground. 

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Bill to ditch Scotland’s climate targets introduced

New targets are meaningless without new action to deliver on them.

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Scottish Parliament

Programme for Government: Ministers ‘refusing to learn from climate mistakes’

‘Next to nothing’ in this programme that shows the Scottish Government is serious about getting back on track on climate

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Protest group in front of bute house

Scottish Government misses yet another climate target

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Protest group in front of bute house

Bute House Agreement ends

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Protest group in front of bute house

Bute House protest urges First Minister ‘not to break climate promises’

Scrapping climate targets means a weakening of action, less scrutiny on Ministers and is a ‘betrayal’ of those impacted by climate breakdown.

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