
Summer Statement: Chancellor Fails to Seize Moment for Change

Public dont want a return to the pre-pandemic economy – we need a recovery plan which sets out a path to a greener, fairer society.

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Our response to the Just Transition Commission Call for Evidence

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Oil and Gas industry plans ‘disingenuous’ say climate campaigners

The industry is only talking about production emissions ignoring the far greater impact of burning this oil and gas.

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No bailout for plastic producer Ineos, says international groups

Prominent activists, scientists, and groups urge UK & Scottish Government to protect the climate and environment – while prioritising long term stability for workers through green jobs

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Energy Minister must hold oil companies to account for job losses

Following the oil price crash and coronavirus restrictions, the oil and gas industry has questions to answer after laying off thousands of workers

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Oil & Gas Authority Net Zero Strategy slammed as “cynical PR exercise”

Industry spin attempting to reconcile reckless extraction plan with growing public demand for meaningful climate action.

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Reaction to UK Committee on Climate Change coronavirus recovery advice

Any recovery plan must drive radical transformation that rebuilds society and economy to tackle climate breakdown and inequalities.

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The Just Transition Challenge in Scotland

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Oil & gas industry support must deliver just transition away from fossil fuels

Oil and Gas industry is failing to deliver for people and planet – any government support must deliver a Just Transition away from fossil fuels.

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