
Time to move beyond rhetoric on just transition, say Unions and environmentalists

It’s time to begin the work of policy development and implementation to deliver a Just Transition

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Campaigners welcome new public bank to finance action on climate crisis

It will finance a just transition away from fossil fuels to a zero-carbon economy, whilst upholding minimum ethical standards of its investments.

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Scotland’s new Public Bank must be an ethical lender

MSPs must back ethical standards to ensure the Bank can achieve its environmental and social goals.

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Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage Three Briefing

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Climate focus for new Investment Bank, but no ethical standards yet

MSPs backed a climate & just transition focus but failed to include minimum ethical standards for its investments.

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Scottish National Investment Bank Stage 2 Briefing

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Environmental group calls for transformative election manifesto policies to tackle the climate emergency

The General Election Manifesto for a Fossil Free UK.

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Just Transition Partnership Statement in response to Climate Bill

Unions and environmentalists call for climate crisis to be tackled done in a way which protects and enhances the livelihoods of workers and communities.

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Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage One Briefing

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