Major organisations call on Scottish Government to oppose new North Sea oil & gas drilling
23 organisations urge Ministers to ensure that the green transition benefits Scotland’s workers and communities
Find the latest Friends of the Earth Scotland press releases
23 organisations urge Ministers to ensure that the green transition benefits Scotland’s workers and communities
Vital public services are crying out for funding yet John Swinney is giving millions of pounds to a pet project of Shell, who made £50 billion profit in the last two years.
Ministers have been caught out playing fast and loose with the rules, in favour of a polluting project that risks locking households into higher energy bills for decades to come.
Evidence outlining the 28 breaches in relation to Minister’s behaviour around the Peterhead gas burning power station planning application.
Protesters spoke to shareholders attending the AGM urging them to challenge the company’s plans to build new fossil fuel power stations and force prepayment meters into homes.
Leading groups sign open letter calling for a “clear and funded” transition plan for workers and communities reliant on the oil and gas industry.
Dozens of groups warm about impact on climate and household bills of new fossil fuel commitments
Organisations from across Scottish society demand Ministers to reject this disastrous development which will only benefit greedy energy companies at a huge cost to Scottish households and the climate
Climate activists protest SSE huge profits and company plans to build new gas burning power station at Peterhead.
Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing visual mockups.
Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing visual mockups.
Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing visual mockups.