
Response to the Draft Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products and Oxo-degradable Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response Draft Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products and Oxo-degradable Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021.

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Campaigners welcome increased plastic bag charge 

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Scottish public overwhelmingly support action to tackle single-use plastic

Analysis shows public support for bans on plastic straws, balloon sticks and polystyrene containers

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National Planning Framework 4 Position Statement response

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Campaigners call for speedy ban on Single-Use Plastic

Any delay to ban on single-use plastic items could create millions of pieces of plastic pollution.

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Response to ‘Introducing market restrictions on problematic single-use plastic items in Scotland

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Tackling single use plastic is good news for the climate

Scottish Government plans are a positive step towards addressing the problem of plastic pollution at its source.

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Revealed: Scotland to burn an extra one million tonnes of waste a year 

This huge increase in incineration capacity threatens recycling targets and plans to move to a Circular Economy.

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Incineration Briefing

This briefing sets out why we believe there should be a moratorium on building new incinerators in Scotland.

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