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Climate-themed shows to see at Edinburgh Fringe 2024

Here are the climate-themed shows we’ll be booking tickets for at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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In the pocket of developers: how the Scottish Government breached its own rules 28 times in handling of new gas power plant application

Ministers have spoken publicly in favour of the planning application, and met developers over 60 time whilst refusing to meet objectors.

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Energy giant SSE feeling the heat from its Peterhead power station plans

SSE’s marketing as a green and progressive company has been exposed as greenwash.

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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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Protest group in front of bute house

Bute House protest demands First Minister stick to climate target commitments

The climate movement was protesting the decision to scrap Scotland’s vital 2030 climate targets.

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The destruction of Palestine’s environment 

The war in Gaza has created a human and environmental catastrophe in what was one of the world’s poorest and most densely populated places.

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climate protestor with placard

What I learned from writing the new Friends of the Earth Scotland strategy

When I was recruited to be Friends of the Earth Scotland Director, it was with a pretty enormous brief: developing a new organisational strategy to ensure that Scotland plays its…

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Shoring up Nicola Sturgeon’s climate legacy

After eight years, Scotland has a new First Minister. Under Nicola Sturgeon the Scottish Government made a lot of progress, but now it must go further and faster.

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climate protestor at COP27 standing in front of many multicoloured banners

COP27: Outcomes from the climate talks and what it means for action in Scotland

What happened at the talks in Egypt and how it will impact our work at home.

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Edinburgh joins Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

The route took the crowd past different stops highlighting the banks, polluters and governments who are driving climate breakdown.

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Fossil fuels are the climate culprit – we have to come together to stop them.

The extreme heat shows climate breakdown is here and it will get much worse unless we act to stop fossil fuel companies.

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Environmentalists have to take on economics!

Until we change the ways in which our economy works, ‘business-as-usual’ will continue to drive environmental destruction and climate breakdown. 

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