
Fighting back against a new fossil fuel frontier
Communities on the frontline of fracking in Scotland were fighting the industry for 8 years.
Ministers put a moratorium in place 5 years before the Scottish Government finally confirmed a position of ‘no support’ for unconventional oil and gas extraction in 2019.
Stopping fracking was a huge win for people power.
The fact that there has been no fracking in Scotland is a huge victory for campaigners and communities
Fracking is unnecessary and unwanted
Fracking is a dirty, dangerous industry that is fiercely opposed wherever it is proposed.
It would have opened up a new source of fossil fuels when we need to rapidly phase them out for climate action.
Evidence from around the world shows that fracking brings local environmental damage, industrialisation and threatens people’s health.
How we stopped fracking
Fracking met a groundswell of opposition that saw thousands of people take to the streets demonstrating, running public meetings and street stalls.
Experts, campaigners and local people spoke out and put pressure on politicians to act.
Over 60,000 people responded to the public consultation in 2017 calling for the industry to be prevented from going ahead – a record at that time.

Fracked gas comes to Scotland
Fracking still takes places in many US states despite community resistance.
The fracked gas produced there is shipped across the ocean to Grangemouth.
It is used a feedstock for the global plastic industry - giving us another reason to tackle plastic pollution.
Community opposition
People across Scotland spoke out against fracking when it was proposed. Here is what they had to say.

End of the road for fracking in Scotland
In October 2019, the Scottish Government finally confirmed a position of 'no support' for fracking. Read about the detail of their decision and find out about the history of the campaign

English communities win over fracking
After 8 years of campaigning by local groups and NGOs, the UK government announced a moratorium on fracking in November 2019.

Council pension funds backing fracking
Research has shown that pension funds are investing millions in fracking firms around the world.
“People power has won this victory, through persistent, creative, intelligent and collaborative campaigning and activism. It shows that together, we can make big change happen. A huge thanks to everybody who has played some part, big or small!”

Latest Blogs

Celebrating progress for the environment in the past 5 years
It is worth pausing to remember that the last five years have seen some remarkable progress.

Gas imports clash with fracking ban
A French energy giant has abandoned a 7 bilion dollar deal to import fracked gas from the US due to climate concerns.

How fracking in America makes Scotland the home of plastic production
As global plastic production increases, we look at where all the plastic is actually coming from.
Latest Press Releases
National Planning Framework reaction
Commenting on the publication of the draft National Planning Framework, Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Director Dr Richard Dixon said: “Overall the draft National Planning Framework takes big steps in…
No bailout for plastic producer Ineos, says international groups
Prominent activists, scientists, and groups urge UK & Scottish Government to protect the climate and environment – while prioritising long term stability for workers through green jobs

Ineos admits defeat on Airth coalbed methane planning application
INEOS is withdrawing its planning application for unconventional gas extraction at Airth.
National Planning Framework 4 Position Statement response
Response to Scottish Government Addendum Consultation on Fracking
Legal opinion on whether the Scottish Parliament can ban fracking
A legal opinion from one of Scotland’s leading advocates that says the Scottish Parliament can pass a law to ban fracking.
Scottish Government fracking policy position in October 2018
Scottish Government’s Preferred Policy Position on Fracking, published in October 2018.
Response to SEA and partial BRIA on Unconventional Oil and Gas
Divest Fracking – How UK councils are banking on dirty gas.
This report reveals the extent of UK council investments in the fracking industry
Related work
Our work to stop fracking has progressed on to a wider campaign on fossil fuels.
We are also working for an end to exploration and drilling for oil and gas in UK waters.
We working with trade unions and other partners we can ensure a fair deal for workers and communities in the transition away from fossil fuels
We are resisted the fossil fuel industry backed ideas of Carbon Capture and Storage and Hydrogen whihc are delaying tactics to stop the end of new oil.