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a group of people holding flags around a stack of black barrels painted with white letter spelling out stop cambo. the river clyde and the Glasgow science museum are visible in the background

Cambo oil field: SNP leadership needs to ‘get clear’ on oil & gas

Criticism after SNP Westminster Leader Stephen Flynn comments that the controversial Cambo oil field should get the green light.

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Energy Strategy ‘shies away from the big decisions’

Environmental campaigners have reacted to the Scottish Government’s new Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan. Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “Our current fossil fuelled…

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Energy Strategy must set end date for fossil fuels

The Energy Strategy must chart a just and clear path away from our broken fossil fuel energy system that is hurting people and the planet. 

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Campaigners welcome end to peak rail pricing

We welcome the news that peak pricing will be removed on all Scotrail trains, announced today in the Scottish Government’s budget.

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Group of people gather together with signs including 'Clydebank say no plastic incinerator'

Victory for local campaigners fighting a new incinerator in Clydebank

Environmental campaigners have welcomed the news that plans for a new incinerator at Rothesay Dock in Clydebank have been cancelled.

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Hydrogen Action Plan criticised for inefficient and costly technology

Climate campaigners response to the Scottish Government’s new ‘Hydrogen Action Plan’ with concerns about cost, inefficiency and its suitability for key sectors.

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Scotland’s levels of material consumption laid bare in new report

Scotland’s levels of unsustainable material consumption have been laid bare in a new report, which gave is the worst circularity score of any country assessed to date. 

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Stop Rosebank logo

UK Government ‘has all the evidence it needs’ to reject Rosebank oil plans, say campaigners

Climate campaigners say the UK Government has all the evidence it needs to reject the controversial Rosebank oil field, as its oil and gas regulator asks Equinor to provide greater…

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‘Scathing judgement’ on Scottish climate plans from advisors

Environmental campaigners have said the the UK Committee on Climate Change has delivered a ‘scathing judgement’ of the Scottish Government’s climate efforts in their latest progress report published today (7/12/22)…

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