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New waste plan doesn’t go far or fast enough to reduce consumption

It’s encouraging to see that the Scottish Government recognises the role that our unsustainable levels of consumption plays in the climate crisis but this must be matched by a desire to tackle it. 

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Black Friday: Action needed on overconsumption

Environmental campaigners have said that this Black Friday must represent the beginning of the end of Scotland’s overconsumption problem and have called on the Scottish Government to ensure its new circular economy law can bring our use of materials down to sustainable levels.

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Household recycling rates stagnate, as Scottish Government fails to act

Waste statistics published today (17 October) show that household recycling levels in Scotland remain stagnant at 43%, with only a 0.3% increase from 2021 to 2022. The amount of waste…

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Victory to campaigners as Wyndford demolition halted

Local residents are celebrating the decision to halt the unlawful demolition of four multi-storey blocks in the Wyndford estate in Glasgow. Wheatley Homes has been forced to abandon the demolition…

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‘Underwhelming’ Programme for Government – warm words won’t stop a warming planet

This is an underwhelming programme for more of the same when what is needed a radical change that can speed Scotland away from fossil fuels.

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Scottish Parliament

First Minister urged to put fossil fuel phase out at core of Programme for Government

There is no more time to waste with timid climate politics.

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Campaigners call for Octopus Energy to stop funding polluting incinerator

Local residents and environmental campaigners have criticised Octopus Energy for funding a new incinerator being built in North Ayrshire in Scotland.

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New law must be strengthened to reduce Scotland’s environmental impact

Campaigners say that the new circular economy bill, which has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament today (14 June), could significantly reduce Scotland’s global climate impact by changing the way we use materials, but must be strengthened to do so.  

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Scotland’s demand for transition materials linked to social and environmental harm

Campaigners have called on the Scottish Government to develop a strategy to limit the demand for materials required in the transition away from fossil fuels. This comes as a new…

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