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Rich countries seek to shirk responsibility as Bonn climate talks open

With only six weeks to go before world leaders meet at key United Nations talks in Paris, negotiators are gathered in Bonn this week in an effort to move closer…

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Reaction to Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change

Pope Francis today published his papal encyclical on the environment which called for greater political and personal action to tackle climate change. In a strongly worded paper he says there…

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UN climate talks fail to prepare ground for Paris deal

As two weeks of UN climate talks concluded in Germany today, Friends of the Earth Scotland warned that not enough progress was being made towards a fair climate treaty, due…

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‘Partial and inconsistent’ reporting by public sector hinders climate change effort

Scotland’s world leading climate legislation is being let down by reports that fail to show a clear picture of public sector action, new research shows in a report published on…

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Scottish Carbon footprint increases

Scottish Carbon Footprint Increases Figures released today show that Scotland’s carbon footprint is increasing. This includes emissions embedded in goods and services we buy and use and those directly produced…

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Europe’s climate pledge for Paris talks too low

The European Union today became the first major power to show its cards and announce the level of climate action it proposes to pledge at UN climate talks in Paris…

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Reaction to European Commission climate and Energy Union statements

The European Commission released details of its vision for Europe’s energy future, and its proposed preparations for the United Nations climate summit in Paris later this December. ON THE ENERGY…

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2014 – Scotland’s warmest year ever

Newly released figures from the Met Office show that 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded in Scotland. TOP LINES FOR SCOTLAND FOR 2014: 2014 was the warmest year ever…

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Lima climate talks: foundations for Paris deal built on sand

Commenting on the much-delayed outcome of the UN climate negotiations in Lima Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns, Mary Church, said: “What we’ve seen in Lima is a…

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