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Scotland’s warmest year on record as thousands march for action on climate

New figures from the Met Office show that 2014 is almost certain to be the warmest year ever in Scotland, in records that go back to 1910. Meanwhile, 10,000 people…

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2014 warmest year on record – countries must act

Figures released by the World Meterological Organisation today show that 2014 is set to be the warmest year on record globally. It is also likely to be the warmest year…

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Landmark European ruling on air pollution will force change in Scotland

LANDMARK EUROPEAN RULING ON AIR POLLUTION WILL FORCE CHANGE IN SCOTLAND In a landmark ruling today, the European Court of Justice has confirmed that we have a right to breathe…

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Low emissions strategy – continued failure to tackle air pollution will result in unnecessary deaths

Continued failure to tackle air pollution will result in unnecessary deaths Speaking at a meeting of the Scottish Emissions Transport Partnership in Edinburgh, Transport Minister Keith Brown promised a draft…

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Scotland heading for warmest year ever

2014 likely to be Scotland's warmest year ever TOP LINES FOR SCOTLAND FROM JANUARY TO OCTOBER 2014: 2014 is on course to be the warmest year ever recorded in Scotland,…

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IPCC report – climate science demands energy transformation and halt to fracking

Commenting on the publication today of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s 5th Synthesis Report, Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary Church said: “The science is…

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UN Climate Summit: A Fool’s Paradise

Commenting on statements made at the Climate Summit in New York City yesterday, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Head of Campaigns Mary Church commented: “David Cameron brought nothing new to the…

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Building a greener, fairer Scotland within the UK

Commenting on the No vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum Friends of the Earth Scotland Director, Dr Richard Dixon, said: “We hope that many of the huge numbers of people…

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Liberia appeals for urgent help battling the disease that has West Africa under siege

Liberian campaigners say the international response to the Ebola outbreak has been desperately slow, and today launched an appeal for massively ramped-up, on-the-ground help to tackle the disease that is…

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