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Air pollution killing people even when standards are met

Reacting to a new report in the Lancet which shows that air pollution kills people even when national standards are met, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth…

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CLIMATE UPDATE – November 2013 was the sunniest November ever recorded

November 2013 was the sunniest November ever recorded in figures going back to 1929. The month was also a bit cooler and drier than average. Average Temperature: 4.2°C which is…

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New report urges more rapid action on climate change

Reacting to a new report from climate scientists, including Prof Pete Smith at Aberdeen University, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “This report adds even…

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Mass Exodus at Frustrating Climate Talks in Warsaw

  One day before the official conclusion of the Warsaw UN climate conference, hundreds of climate activists from trade unions, social movements and environment and development groups – including Friends…

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Climate Change – Highest Ever Emissions Reinforce Need For URGENT ACTION

Commenting on the Global Carbon Report from the Tyndall Centre, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland said:  “2013 will see the highest-ever emissions of climate-changing gases…

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Key issues must be agreed at Warsaw climate conference

Friends of the Earth Scotland is calling for urgent action at the 19th annual United Nations Climate Conference, which begins today. Dr Richard Dixon, Director at Friends of the Earth…

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CLIMATE UPDATE – October 2013

TOP LINES: October 2013 was 1.5°C warmer than the average, making it the 11th warmest October on record. Average Temperature: 9.4°C which is 1.5°C above the long-term average (1971-2000). Average…

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CLIMATE UPDATE – September 2013

TOP LINES: September 2013 was drier and slightly warmer than the average. Average Temperature: 11.2°C which is 0.6°C above the long-term average (1971-2000). Average Rainfall: 95.1mm, which is 32% drier than…

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Climate change – politicians must act on global threat

Reacting to the release of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland said: “Temperatures are up, polar ice is…

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