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Email : media@foe.scot

CLIMATE UPDATE – August 2013

SCOTTISH CLIMATE UPDATE – one of a series of Climate Updates from Friends of the Earth Scotland based on data from the Met Office  TOP LINES: August was dry with…

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Climate Update July 2013

SCOTTISH CLIMATE UPDATE – one of a series of Climate Updates from Friends of the Earth Scotland based on data from the Met Office TOP LINES: July was the 2nd…

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Honorary degree for ex-BP Gulf of Mexico boss is a sick joke

Commenting on the award of an honorary degree to former BP boss Tony Hayward, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Robert Gordon University have made…

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Climate Update – June 2013

TOP LINES: June was close to average for temperature and sunshine but considerably drier than an average June. June statistics: Average Temperature: 11.6°C which is 0.6°C above the long-term average…

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TOP LINES: May was close to average for temperature and sunshine but 50% wetter than an average May. May statistics: Average Temperature: 8.4°C which is 0.2°C below the long-term average…

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Protestors Outside Cairn Energy’s AGM today

Friends of the Earth Scotland Press Release ENVIRONMENTALISTS PROTEST AT CAIRN ENERGY’S AGM TODAY IN EDINBURGH FREE HIGH RES PICTURES: http://www.flickr.com/photos/friendsoftheearthscotland/sets/721576335094… Activists from Friends of the Earth Scotland gathered today…

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Campaigners blow up a mountain outside RBS AGM

Friends of the Earth Scotland For immediate release FREE PICTURES: http://www.flickr.com/photos/friendsoftheearthscotland/8737490275/ RBS Mountaintop Removal Protest at RBS Bank headquarters AGM, Edinburgh, 14/05/2013: Friends of the Earth Scotland demonstrators protest outside…

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Climate Update – April 2013

TOP LINE: April was cooler and wetter than average but also very sunny, being the 10th sunniest April on record April statistics: Average Temperature: 4.8°C which is 0.9°C below the long-term…

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Edinburgh pollution zones extended as policies fail

Friends of the Earth Scotland called for urgent action on pollution from transport as the number of Edinburgh streets which fail air quality standards increased today (26 April 2013), with…

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