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Plastic bottles

Delay to deposit return a blow to Scotland’s environment

Environmental campaigners are dismayed by the news that Scotland’s deposit return scheme, which was due to launch in August 2023, has been delayed until next year.

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Powderhall waste depot, Edinburgh

Scotland is recycling less and increasing incineration, new stats reveal

New statistics reveal that Scotland recycled less and sent more waste to incineration in 2021 than 2018. SEPA did not publish complete datasets for 2019 or 2020 because of the…

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Deposit Return: over 90% of drinks products registered to take part in scottish recycling scheme 

Two billion drinks containers are set to be included in the scheme which launches in August.

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Plastic bottles

Deposit return scheme support should end delay calls

Campaigners have welcomed the news that small businesses will be supported to launch Scotland’s deposit return scheme on time this year in August 2023.

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Plastic bottles

Deposit Return Scheme: Industry & UK Government must support Scotland’s environmental progress

Environmental campaigners have said that Scotland’s deposit return scheme should be delivered without any more unnecessary delay.

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Incineration of plastics to end by 2030

Environmental campaigners have welcomed the recommendation that incineration of plastics must end by 2030 in Scotland. The call came as part of an independent review commissioned by the Scottish Government…

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Group of people gather together with signs including 'Clydebank say no plastic incinerator'

Victory for local campaigners fighting a new incinerator in Clydebank

Environmental campaigners have welcomed the news that plans for a new incinerator at Rothesay Dock in Clydebank have been cancelled.

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Scotland’s levels of material consumption laid bare in new report

Scotland’s levels of unsustainable material consumption have been laid bare in a new report, which gave is the worst circularity score of any country assessed to date. 

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New evidence for low carbon alternative to incineration and landfill

A new report shows that biostabilisation, a way of managing waste, has significant carbon savings over incineration and landfill. 

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