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Scots join millions demanding climate justice in Copenhagen

More than two million supporters of Friends of the Earth International worldwide want the United Nations (UN) climate talks talking place from 7 to 18 December to become a milestone…

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Oil companies are fuelling violence and damaging people and planet

The oil industry is damaging people’s health and the environment in Nigeria, and contributing to the violent conflict in the country, a leading African environmentalist says. Time magazine’s “Hero of…

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Messages in a bottle tell governments to seal climate deal

Climate justice activists will run local days of action on Saturday 14 November, to collect messages from people all over Scotland to bring to Copenhagen. The day of action is…

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Carbon trading ‘the next ‘sub-prime’ – new research

Plans to expand carbon markets at UN climate talks this December could trigger a second ‘sub-prime’ style financial collapse and fail to protect the world from global warming catastrophe, a…

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From the Kingdom of Fife to the South West of England, carbon accountability is taking centre stage.

Carbon accounting is no longer an optional extra. Carbon is increasingly central in public finance decisions, alongside cost and quality. Public sector spending was 41% of Scotland’s GDP last year…

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RBS accused of gambling taxpayers’ money on ‘dirty habits’

UK Government could be bankrolling a climate crunch after saving RBS from the credit crunch with taxpayers’ money, reveals a new report [1]. Government should instead aim to turn RBS…

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Carbon dioxide reductions “an illusion” – Friends of the Earth Scotland comment

Commenting on remarks by the UK Government’s new climate policy advisor professor David Mackay, Friends of the Earth Scotland congratulated the Scottish Government for taking leadership on addressing the problem…

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Dumfries man winner of penguin competition

Dumfries resident Harry McAllister is the lucky winner of a £300 bicycle, after finding an elusive climate-refugee penguin in the Ewart Library. Mr McAllister was one of dozens of intrigued…

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Scottish Government Budget and Carbon Assessment – FoES Comment

Commenting ahead of Thursday’s Draft Budget announcement, Juliet Swann, Head of Projects and Campaigns at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Friends of the Earth Scotland welcome the first stage…

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