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Money starts to flow from Scottish Government Bank despite lack of ethical or green checks

The Scottish Government’s new Scottish National Investment Bank has begun lending to the private sector despite not yet having confirmed any ethical standards or missions, both of which are required…

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Response to the UK 10-point climate plan for net zero

Friends of the Earth Scotland gave a scathing reaction to the UK Government’s announcement of a 10-point plan on climate and energy, calling for much more priority on solutions which…

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81% of Offshore Oil and Gas Workers Open to Leaving the Industry

Governments are urged to consult with oil and gas workers in the UK’s transition to renewable energy.

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Scotland’s politicians must turn the tide on ‘unjust transition’

The Partnership, a coalition of trade unions and environmental organisations, is calling for politicians from all political parties to commit to turning ‘just transition rhetoric’ into genuine action.

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BP ‘greenwash’ with Aberdeen Council while looking for more oil

BP is partnering with Council to offer advice on cutting emissions while looking for more oil & gas.

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New Oil and Gas permits speed us towards climate breakdown

UK Ministers accused of hypocrisy for handing out licences whilst patting themselves on the back for ‘net zero’ pledges.

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Programme for Government Reaction

The Scottish Government recognises the future must be greener, safer and fairer but the economic and climate crises demands that work starts today.

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Green Jobs Recovery must be at core of Programme for Government

This 10 step plan would help create tens of thousands of much-needed green jobs while building a fairer society.

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Commission’s report is a fraction of what is needed for a Just and Green Recovery.

The scale of the challenges we face from COVID-19 and the climate crisis demands bigger, bolder actions across the economy.

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