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protestor with stop equinor sign

Rosebank: Scottish Government fails to oppose controversial oil project as Equinor lobbies for more drilling

Norwegian oil giant lobbies Scottish Ministers and MSPs in bid to drive support for new fossil fuel projects

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100 placards outside Equinor HQ in Aberdeen

Activists slam Equinor for doubling down on fossil fuel drilling despite net zero claims

Activists set up 100 placards outside the company’s Aberdeen office reading ‘Equinor’s energy is 99.87% fossil fuels’.

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Energy Strategy: Scottish Government must ‘bite the bullet’ on oil & gas phase out

Scotland needs a fully renewable energy systems by 2030.

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Scottish Government fails to deliver on key recommendations of incineration review

The failure of the Scottish Government to commit to the main recommendations of its own review is a missed opportunity to phase out existing incinerators and end the harmful practice of burning plastics.

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Protesting man outside Equinor offices holding signs saying 'stop rosebank'

Equinor ‘banking outrageous profits’ whilst wrecking the climate

Fossil fuel giant announced profits of £9.5billion (US$12billion) in just 3 months, prompting outrage from climate campaigners.

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Children campaigning against air pollution

Campaigners, parents & pollution experts highlight benefits LEZ will bring

As Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone is due to start in a month’s time, campaigners highlight how it will clean up toxic air.

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Opportunity for 22,000 more jobs in public transport

New research has found that 22,000 jobs could be directly created in Scotland by investing in public transport, plus hundreds of thousands more indirectly in areas like manufacturing and infrastructure construction. 

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Oil industry lobbied Scottish Government 200+ times under Sturgeon’s ‘open door policy’ to polluters

Campaigners are calling on Humza Yousaf’s new Government to make a clean break from the old regime and fossil fuel lobbying

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Plastic bottles

Delay to deposit return a blow to Scotland’s environment

Environmental campaigners are dismayed by the news that Scotland’s deposit return scheme, which was due to launch in August 2023, has been delayed until next year.

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