
Transport Bill Stage 3 Briefing for MSPs (October 2019)

Measures in the Transport Bill on buses, parking and Low Emission Zones could cut climate emissions and toxic air pollution.

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Letter to Equalities and Human Rights Committee regarding petition on compliance with Aarhus Convention

Letter to the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee regarding our petition on Scotland’s compliance with the Aarhus Convention.

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Stop Climate Chaos Scotland briefing for MSPs ahead of Climate Change Bill final debate.

SCCS briefing for MSPs ahead of the final debate of the Climate Change Bill – urging them to increase commitments.

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Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage One Briefing

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Workplace Parking Levy Stage 2 Briefing (June 2019)

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Briefing for 20mph speed limits debate

Parliamentary briefing supporting 20mph speed limits Bill. The Bill would mean safer streets, increased walking and cycling and help tackle air pollution.

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FoES Briefing on Transport Bill Stage 2

Briefing for MSPs on the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee ahead of Stage 2 of the Transport Bill. 

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Parliamentary Evidence on the Scottish National Investment Bank

Evidence for the Scottish Parliament Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee on the Scottish National Investment Bank.

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Green New Deal: Parliamentary Briefing (April 2019)

‘Green New Deal’ Briefing for The Scottish Parliament debate

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