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The Scottish Climate Change Bill policy briefing

Friends of the Earth Scotland warmly welcomes the public consultation on the Scottish Climate Change Bill. However, we believe that if the bill is to deliver the best possible outcomes…

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Trading for Growth: The role of EU ETS in cutting emissions and stimulating wealth creation

The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is undoubtedly the single most important policy instrument for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, if not the world. This briefing by…

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Carbon Emissions from Buildings policy briefing

The built environment accounts for around 47 percent of UK CO2 emissions. In order to reduce overall emissions in line with government policy, by 80 percent by 2050, both existing…

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UK Climate Change Bill: committee reports briefing

The UK government published their draft Climate Change Bill in March 2007. Three parliamentary committees took evidence on the draft Bill and have now published their reports. This briefing summarises…

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Submission to Defra consultation on the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target 2008-11 (CERT)

A submission outlining the response from Friends of the Earth Scotland to Defra’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Target, including comments on investment allocation, transition from EEC2 to CERT, and Government commitment…

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Carbon Offsetting policy briefing

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the debate on carbon offsetting ahead of the Scottish Green Party debate on Thursday 14 June. This briefing aims…

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A greener Scotland policy briefing

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the debate on a ‘greener Scotland’ ahead of the Executive debate on Wednesday 13 June. We welcome many of…

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Carbon Costs: Corporate Carbon Accounting and Reporting

Climate change is the single biggest environmental challenge we face. Whilst the changes and costs become ever clearer, we are only just starting to get to grips with what needs…

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The Oil & Gas Bank: RBS & the financing of climate change

The Royal Bank of Scotland is the primary UK bank financing new extraction of the fossil fuels whose use is accelerating the planet’s atmosphere towards its climatic tipping point. Despite…

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