Transport Bill Stage 3 Briefing for MSPs (October 2019)
Measures in the Transport Bill on buses, parking and Low Emission Zones could cut climate emissions and toxic air pollution.
Read our briefings and analysis on key environmental issues
Measures in the Transport Bill on buses, parking and Low Emission Zones could cut climate emissions and toxic air pollution.
Most people know that air pollution is bad for us, but few of us realise just how damaging it is to our health. Often, we also don’t realise that it…
Road transport is Scotland’s biggest climate polluter. We must urgently change the ways we get around. This briefing describes the sustainable transport system we need, and how we get there.
This briefing sets out why Friends of the Earth Scotland supports the workplace parking levy, ahead of the stage two proceedings of the Transport (Scotland) Bill – which has potential…
Parliamentary briefing supporting 20mph speed limits Bill. The Bill would mean safer streets, increased walking and cycling and help tackle air pollution.
Briefing ahead of the Scottish Parliament Stage 1 Debate of the Transport Bill.
This Levy will help fulfil goals across the political spectrum including tackling air pollution, reducing climate emissions and funding public transport.
Transport and environmental campaigners have written to leaders of political parties expressing support for the Workplace Parking Levy proposals.
Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to Edinburgh City Council’s ‘Connecting our City, Transforming our Places’ consultation. We support the ambitious proposals and believe that a Low Emission Zone can…