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Briefing on the role of Scotland in delivering the Paris Agreement

Making Progress on the Paris Climate Agreement – a Parliamentary Briefing in advance of the Ministerial Statement on Scotland’s Contribution to International Action on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement,…

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Supporter Briefing on Fracking: Shale Gas and Coalbed Methane

Updated supporter briefing on shale gas and coalbed methane. 

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Call for an increase in spending on walking and cycling

In advance of the Spending Review, we have joined forces with thirteen other organisations and written to the Finance Secretary, Derek Mackay, to urge the Scottish Government commit a minimum…

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Evidence on climate targets for ECCLR Committee

Evidence on the need for toughter climate targets to the ECCLR Committee of the Scottish Parliament for their session on 20th Sept 2016

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Submission to Transport Impacts study under the Moratorium on Onshore Unconventional Gas (Fracking)

Friends of the Earth Scotland, as part of the Scottish Environment LINK Unconventional Fossil Fuels Subgroup, have welcomed the opportunity to feed into the Scottish Government commissioned research programme under…

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Fossil fuel divestment for councillors

This briefing was published with UK partners as part of our campaign to encourage local government pension schemes to go fossil free. Local governments in the UK manage pension funds…

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Fuelling the Fire: the chequered history of Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemicals around the world

Report setting out the serious dangers that Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemicals poses in terms of climate change, local environmental impacts, and public health. Friends of the Earth Scotland…

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FoES response to Developments in Environmental Justice Consultation

Our response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Developments in Environmental Justice. 

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The EU and the Environment – why you should vote to stay in

From stopping acid rain to banning toxic chemicals and cleaner beaches being part of the EU has made Scotland a better place. Only by working together across Europe can we…

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