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Revising Scotland’s National Performance Framework

This briefing – a collaboration between some of Scotland’s leading civil society organisations – is offered as a contribution to the current review of the National Performance Framework. The SNP…

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SCCS Evidence to Finance Committee on preventative spending

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s official evidence to the Finance Committee on their inquiry into the Budget and Spending Review with a particular focus on preventative spending. Download the briefing.

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Woody Biomass for Energy: NGO Concerns and Recommendations

This report, published by Client Earth and supported by Friends of the Earth Scotland and a host of other environmental organisations, examines what impact the EU Renewable Energy Directive will…

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Access to Environmental Justice explained

Decisions are made by public authorities every day that impact on individuals, communities and our shared environment. It might be the decision to approve a planning application for a grand…

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Environment Debate

Briefing for parliamentarians ahead of the Scottish Government’s debate on Rural Affairs and Environment. Download the briefing.

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Tipping the Scales: Complying with the Aarhus Convention on Access to Environmental Justice

This report briefly examines Scotland’s Aarhus Convention obligations in relation to access to justice in environmental matters and the reality individuals, communities and NGOs face when they try to go…

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Justice Debate

Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing on access to environmental justice and the Aarhus Convention, ahead of the Scottish Government parliamentary debate on Justice. Download the briefing

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UK Government Biofuels consultation

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to the UK Government’s consultation on the transport elements of the Renewable Energy Directive.  Download our response

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Green Investment Bank in Edinburgh Debate

Briefing ahead of Marco Biagi’s members business on hosting the Green Investment Bank in Edinburgh Download the briefing

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