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Consultation response to secondary legislation on international aviation and shipping

Submission to secondary legislation on International Aviation and International Shipping contained in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act. Download our submission

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Submission to Energy Efficiency Consultation

Submission to the Scottish Government’s energy efficiency action plan consultation. Download our submission

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Submission to Active Travel Inquiry

Submission to the Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee’s Active Travel Inquiry. Download our submission

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SCCS Briefing on Scottish Government Climate Change Debate

Ahead of the Copenhagen summit, a Stop Climate Chaos Scotland briefing for the Scottish Government’s climate change debate on 7 December 2009.  Download the briefing.

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Joint submission to the Scottish Parliament’s Banking Inquiry

A joint submission by Friends of the Earth Scotland, People and Planet, World Development Movement, Banktrack and Platform to the economy, energy and tourism committee banking inquiry. Download our submission

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The Wave campaign guide

On 5 December 2009 activists from across Scotland will attend the Wave, Scotland’s largest ever climate change demonstration taking place in advance of the UK climate talks in Copenhagen. The…

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Banking on Carbon Accountability 2

Financial institutions are in a unique position to influence greenhouse gas emissions through investment. However, current carbon reporting fails to capture this opportunity. This briefing proposes one tool to measure the…

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Wasting away

A report highlighting Scotland’s lost potential to recover financial and environmental value from waste. Download the report. Find out more about our Communities Reducing Excess Waste (CREW) project.  

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CREW Badger in Waste Wonderland film

Follow Badger’s exploration of the impacts of waste in this 5 minute animation.

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