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Planning System Reform in Scotland: Third Party Right of Appeal

This campaign document outlines the need for Third Party Right of Appeal in Scotland by targeting specific campaigns that would benefit from TPRA, and calls for public support. Planning System…

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Towards a Green Jobs Strategy – Response from Friends of the Earth Scotland

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Executive’s Green Jobs Strategy. We believe that it is essential that Scotland develops a more sustainable economy…

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Forth Estuary Transport Authority – Local Transport Strategy – Response from Friends of the Earth Scotland

This submission to the Forth Estuary Transport Authority’s consultation regarding a new Forth crossing highlights the pitfalls of the proposal and offers alternatives to the problem of congestion on the…

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Home Energy Conservation Act parliamentary briefing

The Home Energy Conservation Act (1996) charged Scottish local authorities with achieving ‘substantial’ improvements in domestic energy efficiency. The Secretary of State at the time issued guidance that this meant…

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Aarhaus Convention parliamentary briefing

The UNECE Aarhus Convention is an environmental treaty which establishes a number of environmental public rights. It is based on the premise that involving citizens in environmental decision making will…

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Response to Scottish Executive Consultation on Rights of Appeal in Planning

This response to the consultation on TPRA details why Friends of the Earth Scotland supports TPRA and why it is of overall benefit to the Scottish Executive and government policies….

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Taking it on – development UK sustainable development strategy together. A Response from Friends of the Earth Scotland

This submission begins with an outline of the key elements of a credible sustainable development strategy, and some traps that policy makers should avoid when they write one. We then…

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Love Thy Neighbour? The Potential for Good Neighbour Agreements in Scotland

This report first outlines the nature and potential of GNAs (Chapter 1), and then turns to lessons from experience with GNAs in Scotland and elsewhere – particularly the US (Chapter…

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Environmental Levy Bill – Consultation Response from Friends of the Earth Scotland

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Consultation on an Environmental Levy Bill.  The response below details our support for this proposal which we believe…

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