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Transport (Scotland) Bill – a briefing from TRANSform Scotland and Friends of the Earth Scotland

This Transport Bill is being debated in the same week that we are hearing reports of Arctic ice receding to its greatest extent since records began and the Environment Agency…

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Redressing the Balance 1: Environmental Campaigning

This handbook is part of the series Redressing the Balance: working towards environmental justice in Scotland. The series is intended for people who are new to the issues. Each handbook…

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Redressing the Balance 2: Community Sustainability Audits

This handbook is the second installment of the Redressing the Balance: working towards environmental justice in Scotland series. It discusses the stages and priorities in developing a community sustainablity audit….

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Counting Chemicals: Developing a Pollution Release and Transfer Register for Scotland

Freedom of information and access to environmental information have, in recent years, come to the forefront of international political and environmental debate.  It is under this umbrella that Pollution Release…

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Incineration or Something Sensible?

The UK Government and local authorities are currently looking at burning more waste from households, shops and offices in incinerators.  Superficially, the idea of burning waste to generate useful energy…

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Blood on Glasgow’s Doors?

Glasgow City Council is considering spending £30,000 installing a mahogany door at its City Chambers. Because the council is insisting on using wood from the industry-backed Forests Forever scheme, and…

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Submission to call for evidence for Freedom of Information (Scotland) Bill

We welcome the Freedom of Information Bill and  see its introduction as a clear commitment to the creation of the ‘culture of openness’ which Jim Wallace called for in ‘An…

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The Right to Really Know – Report of Phase 1

The Right to Really Know campaign was launched in December 1999 and was developed to raise awareness of issues relating to Freedom of Information and, in particular, access to environmental…

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Nuclear Power campaign briefing

The nuclear industry is trying to promote itself as the answer to climate change.  Yet, at the recent Climate Conference in the Hague, even the United States had given up…

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