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Workers Case Studies for debate on The Need for an Offshore Training Passport

Ahead of the Scottish Parliament debate on The Need for An Offshore Training Passport, Friends of the Earth Scotland and Platform shared case studies from offshore workers about their experiences…

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Offshore Training Passport Debate Briefing for MSPs

A Friends of the Earth Scotland and Platform briefing for MSPs ahead of a debate in the Scottish Parliament on the need for an Offshore Training Passport. Friends of the…

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Polluted Pensions? Clearing the air around UK pensions and fossil fuels

‘Polluted Pensions? Clearing the air around UK pensions and fossil fuels’ investigates the investments of six of the UK’s largest pension funds to consider what is a typical investment in…

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Watershed: The Turning Point for North Sea Oil & the Just Transition

Watershed: The Turning Point for North Sea Oil & the Just Transition

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Review of Strathclyde Pension Fund’s proposed fossil fuel divestment policy, Sep 2021

Friends of the Earth Scotland, UNISON Scotland and Divest Strathclyde wrote to the Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee on 1st September encouraging the fund to bring forward strong proposals to divest…

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Letter from UNISON Scotland, Divest Strathclyde and Friends of the Earth Scotland

A joint letter regarding the meeting of the Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee on 8th September 2021 and divestment from fossil fuels.

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Background information about fossil fuels and the Strathclyde Pension Fund, Aug 2021

A briefing for the Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee to inform its September 2021 meeting, seeking a conclusive view on if and how to divest from fossil fuels. This briefing contains:…

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Letter to Cabinet Secretary Kate Forbes on Economic Transformation

Letter to Kate Forbes MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, regarding the Advisory Council on Economic Transformation and the preparation of strategy for economic transformation. Sent in August…

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Highland Charter for Responsible Investment

Highland Charter for Responsible Investment

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