
Welcome for First Minister’s Announcement that Glasgow will have Scotland’s First Low Emission Zone

Nicola Sturgeon is announced that Glasgow will be home to Scotland’s first Low Emission Zone in a move to tackle the city’s air pollution problems.

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Parliamentary Briefing: Air Pollution in Scotland (Sep 2017)

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Statistics reveal we need cleaner and fairer transport

Transport statistics reveal that our roads continue to be dominated by cars, that bus passenger numbers continue to fall, and that rates of people cycling to walk are still too low.

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Glasgow City Council Sets out Low Emission Zone Plans: Reaction

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Friends of the Earth Scotland Response to Proposed Restricted Roads (20mph Limit) (Scotland) Bill

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Transport Minister launches Low Emission Zone Strategy

First Minister launches Low Emission Strategy consultation following commitment to introduce Zones in Scotland’s four largest cities by 2020. FoES welcome measures to tackle deadly air pollution.

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Programme for Government 2017 Reaction

Friends of the Earth Scotland react to 2017/18 Programme for Government. New policies to tackle polluting transport, transition away from high-carbon industry and creation of a National Investment Bank mean it is the greenest ever announced in Scotland.

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Evidence to the ECCLR Committee on Air Quality

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Low Emission Zone Briefing

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