
UN Climate Talks: Glasgow Summit Confirmed for November 2021

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Oil & Gas Authority Net Zero Strategy slammed as “cynical PR exercise”

Industry spin attempting to reconcile reckless extraction plan with growing public demand for meaningful climate action.

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Reaction to UK Committee on Climate Change coronavirus recovery advice

Any recovery plan must drive radical transformation that rebuilds society and economy to tackle climate breakdown and inequalities.

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National Planning Framework Call for Ideas Response

Response to the National Planning Framework 4 – why it must help tackle the climate emergency, cut air pollution and create a circular economy

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Oil & gas industry support must deliver just transition away from fossil fuels

Oil and Gas industry is failing to deliver for people and planet – any government support must deliver a Just Transition away from fossil fuels.

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UN Glasgow climate summit delayed until 2021

Given the worldwide health dangers of coronavirus, it is understandable that the UN climate negotiations in Glasgow have been delayed.

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Scottish Parliament

Coronavirus delay to Scottish Government Climate Change Plan ‘understandable’

Coronavirus shows how important it is that climate action tackles existing inequalities and protects the most vulnerable

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Walk, Cycle, Vote - Glasgow - Sat 17 December 2016 - (photographer Andy Catlin) -6622

Scottish Budget announcement a strong step towards changing transport

Deal secures free bus travel for young people and extra funding for walking & cycling.

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Transport statistics show political capitulation to cars

Official figures show Scotland going the wrong direction on climate emissions from transport.

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