
Climate Emergency Programme for Government fails to make the grade

This Programme for Government contains welcome commitments but does not go nearly far enough to truly tackle the climate crisis.

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Greenock and Inverclyde MSP backs campaign for fossil free investment

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Climate protests as Glasgow Council refuses to change path on fossil fuel investment

Strathclyde Pension Fund AGM set for protests as fund members and others protest £800million investments in firms driving climate change

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MSPs speak out against Parliament’s fossil fuel investments

A cross-party group of MSPs have joined forces to speak out about the Scottish Parliament’s role in financing climate change.

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Protestors accuse BP of damaging environment and climate ahead of company AGM

Climate & indigenous rights activists will attend the BP AGM in Aberdeen to protest the company’s damaging projects and call for a fossil fuel phase out.

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Parliamentary Evidence on the Scottish National Investment Bank

Evidence for the Scottish Parliament Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee on the Scottish National Investment Bank.

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Climate protesters call on Royal Bank Of Scotland to lead the way out of fossil fuel finance

Campaigners gathered outside the RBS AGM to call for an end to the Bank’s financing of climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects

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Church of Scotland Divestment Briefing

Briefing explaining why The Church of Scotland should divest from fossil fuels

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Stirling University to halt investment in fossil fuel polluters

Stirling University becomes the 9th organisation in Scotland to divest from fossil fuels, citing climate concerns by students.

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