Peterhead Power Station at Night

SSE admits new Peterhead gas plant will belch out more climate pollution

The current Peterhead plant is Scotland’s biggest polluter producing over 1 million tonnes of climate changing gases each year.

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UK Government ‘ignoring elephant in the room’ of oil and gas production

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Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to the Grangemouth Inquiry

There is an urgent need for both regional and sectoral just transition planning to ensure the workforce and community are supported through the changes which must come to meet our climate objectives.

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SNP voters back rapid move away from oil & gas, polling shows

First Minister candidates are urged to speed progress towards a fair and fast energy transition for workers and communities

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male protestor holding two signs about equinor profits and rosebank oil field

Protests at ‘obscene’ Equinor £62billion profit

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‘Sickening’ BP profits show need to phase out fossil fuels

Climate campaigners have slammed the oil giant as they announce £23billion in annual profits, as well as slowing of transition plans.

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‘Obscene’ Shell profit shows urgent need to get off fossil fuels

Oil company bosses and shareholders get even richer, while millions face enormous energy bills and climate breakdown

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a group of people holding flags around a stack of black barrels painted with white letter spelling out stop cambo. the river clyde and the Glasgow science museum are visible in the background

Cambo oil field: SNP leadership needs to ‘get clear’ on oil & gas

Criticism after SNP Westminster Leader Stephen Flynn comments that the controversial Cambo oil field should get the green light.

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Energy Strategy ‘shies away from the big decisions’

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