Delivering Rosebank roses to the Norwegian consulate Edinburgh

‘Oily’ roses used to expose toxic relationships around Rosebank oil field

Campaigners delivered roses to companies and groups connected to Norwegian oil giant Equinor to expose their toxic relationships with the Rosebank oil field.

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Image of Gorse in Saint Fitticks Park

Campaigners raise ‘serious questions’ about direction of £500million Just Transition Fund

Millions going towards companies, many of which are backed by the fossil fuel industry, plus funding for a contentious project to destroy community greenspace in Aberdeen.

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Obscene BP profits show need to ‘chart clear path’ away from fossil fuels

Oil giant makes £7.1billion profit in just three months as campaigners demand change.

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Equinor profits ‘rubbing salt in wound’ of cost of living crisis

Oil giant behind huge Rosebank field declared £21billion in profit in just 3 months.

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UN emission gap report cover 2022

UN Climate Report: Urgent action needed this decade

Policies currently in place point to a 2.8°C temperature rise by the end of the century

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Shell profits ‘show scale of the pain’ of cost of living crisis driven by fossil fuels

Scotland’s new Energy Strategy is a chance to ‘chart a clear path’ away from the oil and gas companies who are harming people and the planet

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Scottish Government ‘shuts door on coal’

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UK Government ‘sticking two fingers up’ to climate with new oil & gas licences

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UK Government ‘denying climate reality’ with new oil and gas plans

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