Environmentalists have to take on economics!
Until we change the ways in which our economy works, ‘business-as-usual’ will continue to drive environmental destruction and climate breakdown.
Until we change the ways in which our economy works, ‘business-as-usual’ will continue to drive environmental destruction and climate breakdown.
Plans for a National Strategy for Economic Transformation will have to be bold and radical if it is to protect people and the planet. So far, the signs aren’t encouraging.
Scottish Government policy supports decarbonisation while also promoting increased extraction of fossil fuels. To achieve a Just Transition, what will it take to move beyond these contradictory positions?
How can this radical, necessary transformation be made to happen in a fair way?
This event during the Bonn climate conference allowed environmentalists and trade unionists to work out their shared agenda for a Just Transition to a low carbon economy.
Scotland’s new Climate Bill focuses attention on when we become zero carbon, but also on the ‘What? and How?’ of getting there. The idea of a ‘Just Transition’, originating within the trade union movement, can ensure this process enhances social justice, protects livelihoods and creates a fairer and more equal nation.