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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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Scotland’s new circular economy law

MSPs have voted to approve Scotland’s new circular economy law! Parliament has taken over a year to scrutinise and review the new law, and the final debate took place yesterday…

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Dozens of organisations demand Scottish Ministers reject polluting Peterhead gas plans

Pressure is growing on the Scottish Government to reject plans that would lock in climate pollution and high energy bills. 

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Clarissa Morawski talks to us about deposit return schemes

An interview with deposit return scheme expert and CEO of Reloop, Clarissa Morawski, about the importance and challenges of the schemes.

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Scotland’s invisible consumption impact

Scotland need’s to take responsibility for the impact of its consumption overseas as well as at home.

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Circular economy in action around the world

We’ve taken a look at some of the exciting developments in creating a circular economy around the world to consider ideas for Scotland.

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How Edinburgh Tool Library is helping to reduce consumption

Edinburgh Tool Library shows how we can reduce our consumption by sharing instead of buying.

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Fed up of excessive waste and plastics?

Our throwaway culture is a major contributor to the climate crisis and is causing excessive waste. We need to move to a circular economy to change this.

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Steel recycling is essential for a greener future

Steel is a vital part of our economy today and it still will be in the future, even a more sustainable, circular one – but we need to change the way we recycle it.

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How can councils tackle the carbon impact of waste?

If we want our waste systems to be more sustainable, Scotland needs to move to a carbon-based targets rather than the current weight-based system.

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Consumption in action on one of Scotland's main shopping streets

COP26 and the problem with over-consumption

Over-consumption is pushing our planet to breaking point. COP negotiations need to stop rich countries from outsourcing emissions.

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Will bioplastics solve the problem of plastic pollution?

As we rush to replace fossil fuel based plastics with alternatives, we look at whether bioplastics are actually as environmentally friendly as they claim to be.

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