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Protest group in front of bute house

Why is Scotland scrapping its climate targets? 

Why Scotland is scrapping its vital climate targets, why this matters and what needs to happen now.

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Activists hand in petition urging the Scottish Government to reject Peterhead gas plans

Campaigners have handed in a petition to the Scottish Government urging them to reject the plans for a new gas burning power station in Peterhead.

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How people power ended the coal era

It’s September 2024 and in the countryside just outside of Nottingham, England, something momentous is taking place: the UK’s last coal power station is closing and with it ends Britain’s…

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Big biomass – big problems

On the face of it biomass may seem like an attractive option to generate electricity and produce energy from heat. In reality biomass energy, especially large scale, creates more problems…

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Will electricity market reform help secure the Power of Scotland?

Duncan McLaren reflects on big developments in energy matters. Last week, the UK Government published its consultation on reforms to the electricity market to help meet carbon, cost and security…

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Cancun leaves fair climate deal on 'life-support'

As UN climate negotiations ended in Cancun, reactions have varied – even within the Friends of the Earth International network. But no one disputes that bare fact that there was…

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Cancun goes into extra time

Climate negotiations continue in Cancun, with the official end of the meeting passed some hours ago. I don’t intend to stay up all night trying to follow progress – as…

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Access to wikileaks

The relentless exposing of ‘secrets’ by wikileaks only serves to confirm the view held by many in both the global north and south: that powerful western democracies and business interests…

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Constructive in Cancun?

In a pleasant contrast to last year’s Copenhagen summit, the news from Cancun – in the last day or two – has primarily focused on the content of the negotiations,…

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Cancun enters second week with doublespeak and bullying

Supporters of the Accord are indulging in modern day double-speak – describing the Accord approach with the wonderful term ‘a balanced agreement’ … trying to give the impression that the Protocol is unbalanced.

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Kyoto vs Copenhagen in Cancun

The battle between the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen Accord has come to the fore. Mexico is rumoured to be prepared to table a draft text based on the Accord,…

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Show us the money: Cancun negotiators talk cash

Duncan McLaren updates on the climate summit. Finance continues to dominate discussions inside and outside the talks in Cancun. The arbitary numbers being bandied around – both for so-called ‘Fast…

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