
Joe Biden and the climate talks

The role of the United States in the UN Climate Talks will be crucial, as it always is, for good or bad.

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Disaster or hope on climate

There are positive signs of change in climate action around the world, including in the most unexpected places.

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mercosur trade deal image

EU-Mercosur Trade Deal threatens the Amazon

Trade Deal will increase imports of beef, dairy, soy and ethanol to Europe – leading to big companies trashing more of the Amazon rainforest.

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The twilight of the oil industry

Opposition to oil increases, from outside the industry to those workers thinking about going elsewhere.

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The climate blame game ignores the fact wealthy countries are slow to act

Less wealthy countries are often climate scapegoats but analysis shows their ambition is greater than rich nations.

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One year on from Scotland’s new climate law – what action have we seen?

What progress have we seen in the year since people power forced politicians to increase their climate commitments?

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Why we can’t recycle our way out of the climate crisis

We must keep pushing for systemic changes to tackle the problem of plastic at its source.

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The Climate Strikers return to demand a Green Recovery

One year on from the historic Global Climate Strike, young people are pushing for a Green Recovery that delivers the necessary climate action.

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Mind who you work with – Aberdeen Council forms climate partnership with BP

BP’s is still looking for more fossil fuels – why is Aberdeen Council asking it for advice on cutting climate emissions?

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