Illustration showing installation of solar panels

New report published: “Divest and Reinvest – Scottish council pensions for a future worth living in”

Our new report, ‘Divest and Reinvest: Scottish council pensions for a future worth living in’ is now publicly available.

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Divestment: the Mercer report, and why it matters

In 2015, Mercer published a highly influential 100 page report that changed the way investors understand climate change.

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Photograph of St Andrews, Scotland

St. Andrews are speeding towards being 100% fossil free

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Credit Dave Campbell CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Splashes of green amongst the gloom: This year’s environmental victories for Scotland

For many of us, 2016 seemed like a particularly tough year. It brought some major environmental setbacks, culminating in the election of a new US president with an extremely regressive environmental agenda. However, this year was not all doom and gloom for the environment…

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Why is the Bank of England worried about climate change?

In the last few years the UK’s central bank has made a number of major contributions to the debate around climate change.

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A third of Scottish Universities divest as Abertay and UWS join the party

Student campaigning organisation People & Planet published the results of their University League, confirming that two further Scottish universities have divested entirely from fossil fuels.

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Let’s reinvest Scottish pension funds in communities

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Divesting from fossil fuels as we leave the EU

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Church of Scotland gets divesting

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