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UN Climate Conference brings scrutiny to Scotland

Glasgow is announced as the location for UN climate conference in 2020.

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Reaction to UN Report on land and climate change

UN report shows we must manage land more sustainably, cut meat production and avoid large scale bioenergy.

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Prime Minister Johnson must make Climate Emergency his priority

Johnson’s Prime Ministership will ultimately be judged by how well his Government responds to climate breakdown – the greatest crisis we face.

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New Oil and Gas Licensing Round Goes Beyond Climate Breakdown

  Commenting on the launch of a new offshore oil and gas licensing round today by the UK’s Oil and Gas Authority: Mary Church, Head of Campaigns at Friends of…

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MSPs back Workplace Parking Levy Powers: Welcome news for climate and air pollution

Locally-appropriate WPLs could cut toxic air pollution, reduce climate emissions and congestion.

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Protestors accuse BP of damaging environment and climate ahead of company AGM

Climate & indigenous rights activists will attend the BP AGM in Aberdeen to protest the company’s damaging projects and call for a fossil fuel phase out.

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Scottish Government support for UK oil and gas drilling incompatible with responding to climate emergency, report says

Report reveals huge climate impact of UK oil & gas industry plans, and urges Governments to plan for a just transition to a clean energy economy.

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Scottish Government abandons plans to cut Air Departure Tax

Climate campaigners welcome Scottish Government decision to keep tax on climate-damaging aviation.

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Scotland’s ‘climate emergency’ demands urgent action

Nicola Sturgeon has declared a ‘climate emergency’ but environmentalists say it must be backed with urgent action.

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