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Heathrow expansion vote a disaster for the climate

The SNP’s MPs abstained on the vote to expand Heathrow airport, helping hand a victory to the Government and Labour rebels. Friends of the Earth Scotland Director Dr Richard Dixon…

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Scottish Government support for risky oil and gas subsea centre

The First Minister today announced that Scottish Enterprise will provide £4.9 million grant support towards a £31 million subsea oil and gas campus in Montrose. This centre will develop equipment…

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Scottish Government’s Climate Change Bill ‘hugely disappointing’

STOP CLIMATE CHAOS SCOTLAND PRESS RELEASE Responding to the Scottish Government’s draft Climate Change Bill placed before the Scottish Parliament today Tom Ballantine, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland said:…

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Study shows climate action will deliver health wins on air pollution

Environmental campaigners welcomed new analysis (3) published in ‘The Lancet Planetary Health’ today (27/4/18) showing that meeting the UK’s Climate Change Act commitments could cut nitrogen dioxide (NO2) air pollution…

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Shell faces historic legal action in The Netherlands for failure to act on climate change

Shell has more than 50 North Sea interests and is amongst 10 biggest climate polluters.

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Scottish Government Climate Plan fails to deliver

This Plan still doesn’t deliver the detailed policies or the necessary ambition to drive a just transition to a zero carbon Scotland.

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Business 2020 Climate Group to wind up

FoES reaction to news Climate 2020 is to wind up when their funding ends.

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Activists outside St Andrews House with a globe depicting rising temperatures.

2017 is warmest year without El Niño on record

Met Office figures show that globally 2017 was the hottest year ever recorded without the extra warming El Niño effect.

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Paper cotton buds from Boots

Welcome for cotton bud ban

Scotland’s ban on plastic cotton buds great news for our environment and wildlife.

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