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Scottish Parliament

Scotland must get on with the fossil fuel transition after COP26, Holyrood committee hears

Campaigners called on Scottish Government to focus on domestic efforts and create a credible plan to cut climate pollution and deliver a just transition away from oil and gas this decade.

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First Minister Signals Opposition to Cambo Oil Field

Reacting to the First Minister’s comments in Holyrood today, Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary Church said: “We welcome the First Minister’s acknowledgement that there is no…

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COP26: Scottish Government snubs oil and gas leavers club

The Scottish Government has been criticised after failing to join a new alliance launched today at COP26 that aims to phase out the fossil fuels driving the climate crisis. Nicola…

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a group of people holding flags around a stack of black barrels painted with white letter spelling out stop cambo. the river clyde and the Glasgow science museum are visible in the background

Activists bring ‘Stop Cambo’ message to UK Government COP26 hub

Friends of the Earth and Stop Cambo activists brought a Stop Cambo message to the UK Government’s COP26 hub today. Activists painted a dozen empty oil barrels with a large…

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Scottish Government to end their support for drilling every last drop of oil

Climate campaigners have welcomed the news that the Scottish Government has ended their support for unlimited oil and gas drilling. In a speech at Strathclyde University this morning, the First…

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UK has increased oil reserves since declaring climate emergency, say new report

Since declaring a climate emergency in 2019, the UK’s developed oil and gas reserves have increased by 800 million barrels of oil and gas. UK law and Scottish Government policy…

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Scottish Parliament

Programme for Government reaction

Programme confirms the promises from the SNP -Greens co-operation agreement, but gives disappointingly little further detail on timescales or processes.

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UK Government misleading public over claim it has no control over Cambo

Pre-action letter calls on BEIS to defend position on controversial oil field decision The UK Government is lawfully bound to take responsibility for the decision to approve or reject the…

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Proposed new Shetland oil field a climate ‘obscenity’ ahead of UN talks In Glasgow

Environmental campaigners have reacted with fury to plans to open a large new oil field West of Shetland to extract 800 million barrels of oil.

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