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Leading climate scientist and green groups demand UK government reject plans for new oil field

Dr James Hansen, one of the world’s foremost climate experts, joins groups representing young people, parents and activists, in calling on the government to “resolutely reject” proposals by Shell to develop a significant new oil field in the North Sea.

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Proposed new Shetland oil field a climate ‘obscenity’ ahead of UN talks In Glasgow

Environmental campaigners have reacted with fury to plans to open a large new oil field West of Shetland to extract 800 million barrels of oil.

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Training Chaos Blocks Scottish Oil Workers Moving To Renewables: Government Must Meet Workers’ Demands To Remove Hurdles

Workers forced to pay thousands for training courses, leading to calls for an “offshore passport” allowing them to transfer skills from fossil fuels to renewables

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Climate campaigners call for clearer focus on winding down oil and gas

Campaigners are urging politicians to spell out how they will support a managed transition away from fossil fuels to tackle the climate crisis.

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‘No new oil & gas’ to meet climate commitments, says IEA report

Fossil fuel exploration must halt immediately to meet climate goals.

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Manifesto promises on climate and energy compared

Friends of the Earth Scotland today released a comparison of the climate and environmental promises in the election manifestos from the Conservative, Green, LibDem, Labour and SNP. Friends of the…

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130,000 Green Jobs could be created in Scotland in 2 years, research shows

Green New Deal research shows 130,000 greens jobs can be created in climate and care sectors in Scotland in the next 2 years.

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Green Jobs Recovery must be at the heart of election campaign

Campaigners have today (31/3/21) called for Scotland’s politicians to prioritise policies in the election that create green jobs and reduce climate pollution. They want the next Scottish Government to take…

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Scottish Parliament

Scottish Government ‘disrespects’ four Holyrood Committees

Campaigners have accused the Scottish Government of ‘disrespecting’ the work of four Parliamentary Committees who wrote reports scrutinising the draft Climate Change Plan Update. Throughout January and February 2021 the…

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