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UK Government climate policy branded ‘denial and delusion’ over North Sea Deal

Outrage as UK Government decides to continue granting licenses for companies to search for more oil and gas despite their climate claims. 

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Scottish public overwhelmingly support action to tackle single-use plastic

Analysis shows public support for bans on plastic straws, balloon sticks and polystyrene containers

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Scottish Parliament

MSP reports must mean ‘reality check’ in Government Climate Plan

Committees heard expert evidence that plans lacked policy detail, lacked transparency in key calculations and were over-reliant on speculative technologies.

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Updated Paris Pledges Leave World on Track for Climate Catastrophe

Commenting on a report published today by the UN analysing countries updated pledges to tackle the climate crisis under the Paris Agreement, Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns…

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Traffic stats show transport challenge

Responding to the Scottish Transport Statistics published, Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Air Pollution Campaigner Gavin Thomson said: “The new statistics show that in the year running up to the…

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Budget: Energy efficiency cash boost is welcome step

The Scottish Government has announced an extra £45million of spending on energy efficiency, fuel poverty reduction and heat decarbonisation. The sum was part of the UK Treasury announcement of a…

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Budget Boost For Warm Homes Could Deliver “Triple Win”

Scottish Budget can deliver a boost to public health, green jobs and climate emissions cuts by investing extra £100million in energy efficiency and fuel poverty.

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Minister to be challenged on whether Climate Change Plan “adds up”

Experts and campaigners have questioned the modelling used by Government officials and challenged the over-reliance on illusory Negative Emission Technologies

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Oil pollution in Goi, Nigeria

Nigerian farmers & Friends of the Earth Netherlands win Shell oil pollution case

Shell must compensate farmers for damage caused by pipeline leaks, parent company also found to have violated its duty of care.

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