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Scottish Parliament

Scottish Budget fails to create ‘shovel-ready’ green jobs

Budget is another missed opportunity to drive a green jobs recovery by boosting demand in energy efficiency, public transport and skills training.

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Scottish Parliament

Budget must help deliver a Green Recovery

By investing in energy efficiency, public transport and green skills training we can tackle unemployment and boost climate action.

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Scotland to end overseas promotion of fossil fuels

Environmental campaigners have welcomed proposals from Scottish government to “end all Scottish Government overseas trade backing and promotion activities solely focused on fossil fuel goods and services by COP26.” Friends…

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Biden Inauguration: USA rejoining Paris Climate Agreement is the ‘easy part’

Environmentalists welcome Paris moves but caution far more action needed to transition US away from fossil fuels

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More Rhetoric Than Action On Just Transition Say Unions And Environmentalists

The Climate Change Plan fails to show how it will ensure creation of new green jobs and protect the livelihoods of impacted workers and communities in Scotland.

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Off-the-record Heathrow meetings fly in the face of climate science

The Scottish Government continues its support for a third runway at Heathrow. Transport Minister has been having unminuted meetings with airport bosses.

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Denmark ends North Sea oil exploration and bans all extraction by 2050

Landmark Danish decision hailed as ‘major milestone’ in climate fight.

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Money starts to flow from Scottish Government Bank despite lack of ethical or green checks

The Scottish Government’s new Scottish National Investment Bank has begun lending to the private sector despite not yet having confirmed any ethical standards or missions, both of which are required…

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Response to the UK 10-point climate plan for net zero

Friends of the Earth Scotland gave a scathing reaction to the UK Government’s announcement of a 10-point plan on climate and energy, calling for much more priority on solutions which…

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